UK Shows Coming Up // Download Support MP3s Now

  • UK Shows Coming Up // Download Support MP3s Now
    02 September 2010

    With the UK stadium shows almost upon us, we thought you might like a taster of the support acts playing with the band over the next two weekends. As a reminder, here's who's coming along: MANCHESTER LCCCEditors // Band Of Skulls // Pulled Apart By Horses WEMBLEY 10th SEPTLily Allen // The Big Pink // White Rabbits WEMBLEY 11th SEPTBiffy Clyro // White Lies // I Am Arrows A selection of these acts have very kindly donated us a free track to give away here on so you can check them out...

    With the UK stadium shows almost upon us, we thought you might like a taster of the support acts playing with the band over the next two weekends. As a reminder, here's who's coming along:

    Editors // Band Of Skulls // Pulled Apart By Horses

    Lily Allen // The Big Pink // White Rabbits

    Biffy Clyro // White Lies // I Am Arrows

    A selection of these acts have very kindly donated us a free track to give away here on so you can check them out before the shows.

    CLICK HERE to download the tracks. 

Tour Dates